Love me so that I can love you more. You are beautiful, so I love you or is it that you are beautiful because I love you?
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I cannot imagine my nights and my days without your lovely presence. When you're around, problems become easier and solutions appear faster. You soothe me and inspire me.
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The warmth that I get you when you hug me, makes me believe you are the angel God has sent from above for me.
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This love is a more than perfect fairy tale, because we are experiencing it in an absolutely real situation.The kindness and attention, found in your love, make the most intimate and complete satisfaction my soul desires.
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My feelings for you are the purest, most beautiful and truest in the world. This feelings feed my soul, warm my body and flavors my life.
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Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
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Many people say that time is the enemy of love, that relationships wear down over the months and years. But, this is not true, as the days come, the nights change the moons and the seasons and I still love you with the same passion as when we met.
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Don’t bother coming home early today Darling. Anyway, I would be busy cooking your favorite dinner.
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I think that in your side the future will be full of happiness. You have good character, are handsome, strong, and affectionate. By your side I am sure: You really love me! It seems unbelievable to have a love like I do. A love to be lived for the rest of your life.
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I thank God everyday for making you mine. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
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When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.
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My love is a journey that starts with forever and ends at never. I will always love you my darling.
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When I was cleaning the house today morning I found ‘L’, ‘O’, ‘V’ and ‘E’. The only thing missing was ‘U.’
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A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.
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My Dear love, stay with me for eternity and make my life blissful.
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Nothing will cloud the love I feel for you! No shadows, no clouds will be able to resist the light that springs from my heart when I I think of you. And, you know, I spend every day and night just thinking about you!
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Nothing is more pleasant than waking up with your noble smile and feeling the softness of your hair. Because in addition to your natural sweetness, your beauty also enchants me a lot. You are very beautiful. And, more than that, you make my existence more beautiful too.
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Next time do make a wish when you see a falling star. Your dream will come true. I made a wish once and I got you.
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I know I will recognize the face of the angel when I die because his face will match yours.
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Whenever, I am in trouble , the first person that comes to my mind is you. Stay as adorable and headstrong you are.
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