First of all, I hope all is well with you and that no particular problems are troubling your mind, given the fact that you already are a concerned person by nature...
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I have to start by saying that you really are the type of person who can set an example, because you know exactly where you want to go and how to get there.
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I was missing you and decided to write you this letter. I don’t mean to flatter you or tell you empty words because they’ll be gone with the wind and, besides, I know you hate flattery.
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I’m writing this short letter just to make a confession: your deep eyes have really hypnotized me… I’m totally and completely attracted to your mysterious magnetism, and although you don’t usually show your true emotions,...
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Despite your shyness and that tendency to isolate yourself, I need to tell you that it’s very pleasant to be in your company and that I love your discipline.
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I want you to know I feel honored to live in that little aquarium of yours. The reason I’m saying this is because I know how you tend to devote all your attention to your friends and to even call friends those who don’t like you.
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How can you gather some many good qualities in just one person? If, on the one hand, you show such a vibrant and endless intelligence, on the other hand, the size of your love filled heart is quite obvious. Is that the path to balance,...
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I’ve always heard that Libra’s are born hunters, but until I fell prey of one of them (you!), I had no idea how charming they really were.
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I honestly don’t know if you’re a genius or a mad person sometimes, but one thing is for sure, you’re way ahead of your time. I say this without any regrets or other
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It’s always nice to enjoy the friendship of someone like you, bearer of a huge heart, a heart that is grateful and knows how to appreciate true friends, which can’t stand cruelty and is always attentive to other people’s needs.
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Before anything else, I want you to know I love being your friend; it’s great being next to someone as talkative and happy as you are. It’s true that sometimes you end up talking too much, isn’t it, and you even say some foolish things...
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Do you know how much I love those dreamy eyes of yours? If it were up to me, you would always have a high tide, because you’re a very special person, with lots good qualities that I deeply admire.
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I must admit that when I first met you, I was attracted to your charming talk, but it was a bit hard at first to understand your unpredictable, unsettled and enigmatic behavior.
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I have to start this little note by saying that it’s wonderful to be friends with someone like you, because you’re the kind of person who looks you in the eye when you talk and greets you with conviction,...
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Pretend this letter is me whispering a secret in your ear. Don’t tell anyone, but I feel privileged to be with you, because your deep and mysterious beauty never goes unnoticed anywhere you go.
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First of all, I want to tell you how happy I am to be your friend, partner and lover. There’s a simple reason for this happiness: I know how selective you are about your women, and that’s why I feel privileged.
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I could have never imagined when I met you that, underneath all that calm and sweet appearance, laid a hot, sensual and feminine woman like you. I’m not wrong when I say that I can recognize in you a down to earth and objective person,...
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I feel like I was selected. Honest. I feel there’s a space for me amongst your thousand interests. I don’t care if your love seems vague and undefined, I know that’s only in the outside,...
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There’s nothing like starting the day by remembering your always-warm smile. There’s nothing more brightening and stimulating than to remember I love someone so lively,...
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My sensitive and sweet creature. I think you may have noticed it by now but I have to tell you again that I’m absolutely crazy about you...
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