Look, you who are there lost among these papers, stamps and numbers... You who don't realize that I let the whole line pass in front of me just to be attended by you...
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Did you know that your boss is a very smart guy? After all, I have to confess that I only go into the store where you work to see you. I think your boss wanted to save money on the window decoration, so he hired you...
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I believe you are not going to reprove me for the audacity. Even though I have met you for the first time not long ago, maybe you have been smart enough to realize that I like you.
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You know this writing thing doesn't suit me very well. I mean, I'm a little out of shape.
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You know I´ve never understood the differences between police captain, lieutenant, sargeant or even detective, but I gotta tell you this:
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I thought 3.1416 times before writing this letter to you, because even though Newton proved that everything can be measured in numbers, I could never quantify my love for you!
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Would anyone ever dare to complain about this letter to you Missus? I like to believe that being a housewife is the most valuable and beautiful occupation of all...
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Suddenly you appeared, immaculately white, like an angel. Your image landed on my retina and, since then, it has not left my thoughts and my racing heart.
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Fortunately, I have someone to pay homage on this Teacher´s day. I´m definitely in love with a master with all the power my heart is able to show.
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I dedicate this letter particularly to you, but also to the whole corporation itself. All of you deserve homage and full appreciation during the Police Week, what you guys have committed yourselves to do is priceless.
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Let me tell you a secret: sometimes want to ask you: “What´s the need for this natty suit and tie, why this big and shiny ring on your finger, Mr. Attorney?”
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I just know that when I walked into this bar I had kind of a needy and anxious look. I felt that you first smiled kindly and then...
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I love to be loved by you, to be managed by a man like you. An efficient manager, whose impeccable resume also includes the duty of taking care of me...
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No interest rate gets so high as the love rate my heart feels for you despite the risks of investment and inflationary expectations attached to it.
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God forgive me, but it makes me want to fall sick just to be under your care. You know, since I was little I've been very attracted to you, since I saw you for the first time...
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Being this one the last year my little daughter (name) is educated and taught by your precious wisdom in this exemplary little school, I´d like to pay you a homage with this little letter.
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you know that after I saw you, laughing and happy, setting up your photographic gear, I was never the same again. I had to go to the doctor, because something strange started happening to me.
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I´d really like you to (I dream of it actually) act towards me with some distinction, a little more that´s dedicated to your most noble clients.
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this time of night and you come to talk to me in spreadsheets? Try to forget a little about the numbers and remember that there is someone by your side, next to your inseparable financial calculator.
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Do you know that when I met you, I immediately thought of taking out personal insurance, or rather, fire insurance, such was the heat that took hold of me? I also considered taking out health insurance, as I had a violent tachycardia.
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