Faith in friends is faith in life!
Dear (name)
Knowing you as proved to me that there’s still friendship and honesty in the world. You are the best friend any one can have!! Knowing someone as sincere and honest as you has made my faith in the future of humankind grow!
Now that disbelieve seems to be taking over our souls, to know there are people like you makes all the problems look smaller.
It’s great to be your friend and to be able to look in your eyes and see a mix of serenity and hope!
For me, this fairly recent friendship is something I consider to be sacred already. It makes me have faith again in some simple but fundamental human values, which, sometimes, for the lack of practice, we swipe under the carpets of our memories and of our hearts…
For me, this new friendship is precious and that’s why I intend to keep it till the end of my days… I believe we can achieve that, because I have faith in you and I have more and more faith in life and in the future. Those who have a friend like you fear nothing!
Always bear in mind that my affection and true friendship will be yours forever!
Love. Your friend,